ISSR Shiloh Shepherd Riverwind's North Star of Zion

Riverwind's North Star of Zion is an ISSR Shiloh Shepherd from New Zion, the kennel of the breed founder. We hope you will enjoy following his many adventures as he joins our family at Riverwind Shilohs in Oklahoma.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

More Awards!

Wish we would have taken the trip to New York this year for the annual Shiloh Homecoming. My pups Shilo, Molly and Chopin were there.

I was awarded another National Select this year! That means I'm one of the top ten Shiloh champions!
Even more exciting than that was my son, Shilo's accomplishments...
He was the plush puppy of the year and the Grand Victor!
In the Shiloh world, you're considered an adult when you're 12 months old. Shilo became an adult in February. He won enough puppy points from July 2012 to February 2013 to become the top puppy. From February to August he won enough points as an adult to be the Grand Victor. That's the most prestigious title awarded, the top winning dog of the year! Way to go Shilo!

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